RCIA CLASS 27 - 28


I. Prayer and the worship of God are at the height of human creativity. It is in prayer that the mind rises to the realm of the angels and can converse with God.

II. Preparation for prayer

- Even setting aside a place in one's home or yard can be helpful.

III. We are meant to be attentive in prayer, but also be receptive to the inspirations of God.

IV. The different ways of prayer are meant to bring us closer to God.

- The Mass and all the sacraments are liturgies.

F. The forms of prayer express the desire to be with God in different ways.

V. The Church promotes a union of our prayers with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the angels and saints, joining earth and heaven.

B. Veneration of Mary

VI. There can be many motives and subjects of prayer. One should be open to all of them, for while such motives as adoration and worship are, in a way, higher, all are a part of the human life.

B. Closely related is thanksgiving for specific things God has done for us.

VII. Maintaining prayerfulness is, as the section 2725 of the Catechism puts it, a continuous battle. God does not tempt us as the world or the devil does and sometimes wants us to struggle that our prayer may be all the more valuable. For, as St. Augustine says, when we struggle more, we love more. Sometimes difficulties at prayer can be a result of voluntary laxness, but also sometimes God is calling us through a more difficult time to deepen our prayer life and not rely as much on easier methods. As St. Ignatius, the 16th century founder of the Jesuit order points out in his Spiritual Exercises, when one is feeling no comfort at prayer, it is particularly important to keep up old resolutions, try to purify one=s life, and be open to the voice of God.

VIII. There is a Catholic culture that surrounds our practice of the faith giving it a radiance and pleasantness that is an image of the kingdom of heaven.