I. The first chapter is a three part introduction to the Book of Wisdom. Each part of the introduction summarizes a part of the book.

D. In verses 1 and 19 the introduction begins and ends with the theme of justice.

II. The introduction begins with the theme of contrast between the two ways, one of justice, uprightness, sincerity, which is blessed by God and His wisdom, and the path of deceit an foolishness.

2. The first doublet refers to "perverse counsels" and testing God's power.

3. The next doublet refers to the body and soul and wisdom staying away.

II. The introduction then turns to a description of Wisdom herself.

IV. Continuing the theme of Wisdom as knowing what each man says, the next eight verses then describe the consequences of sin and sins of speech especially.

C. The next two verses then describe God as not wanting the death of anything.

1. There are three couplets, with the conclusion that justice is undying.

2. The first couplet clearly indicates that death is not from God.